FlightSimExpo 2025

Rhode Island Convention Center

JUNE 27-29, 2025 • PROVIDENCE, RI, USA

North America's Community-Driven Flight Simulation Convention

Exhibits, Seminars, and Product Reveals • Participate In-Person or Online

About FlightSimExpo

FlightSimExpo is one of the world's largest dedicated flight simulation conventions. The event has welcomed more than 7,000 attendees to events in Las Vegas, Orlando, San Diego, and Houston since 2018. We're excited to once again connect simmers, developers, exhibitors, and real-world aviators in Providence and online June 27-29, 2025.

The 2025 Event at A Glance:

Friday, June 27 is #FSExpoFriday, a series of product reveals, announcements, and updates from flight simulation's biggest developers. Afterward, all attendees are invited to the evening Welcome Reception. Note there is no exhibit hall access on Friday.

Saturday, June 28 and Sunday, June 29 feature an exhibit hall with hands-on experiences that show off the latest in flight simulation software and hardware. Two stages feature how-to seminars, Q&As, and panels covering popular flight simulation topics as voted by attendees.

Online-Only Registration is available to watch livestreams of the seminars from anywhere in the world for those unable to attend in-person.

About Flight Simulation Association

FlightSimExpo is produced by Flight Simulation Association, an organization of developers, simmers, and real-world pilots working to promote flight simulation as both a hobby and real-world training aid. The community offers resources, learning content, webinars, and discounts on top flight simulation products.

Join FSA Today!


Meet simmers, experts, and developers

At FlightSimExpo, attendees have endless opportunities to network with the people behind their favorite flight simulation titles, put names and faces to voices, and build lasting connections with fellow flight simmers.

From fun, group Activities like escape rooms and tours to interactive, on-site workshops, there are plenty of opportunities to meet and interact with like-minded aviation enthusiasts. It's easy to make friends at FlightSimExpo!



Interact with speakers and panelists

FlightSimExpo brings together some of the biggest names in the industry with a full series of seminars throughout the weekend. Hear about technology tweaks, flight planning and real-world operations, and the latest releases right from the source.

The biggest news of the year comes out at FlightSimExpo.



The ultimate "try before you buy" experience

There's nowhere else in the world you can try so many different flight simulation setups! Get hands-on, up close, and personal with the best the sim world has to offer and see how it all works before making it part of your own setup.

The exhibit hall features virtual reality demonstrators, fun competitions, full-size and motion simulators, and lots more!


Scenes From Past Events

See what it's like to attend FlightSimExpo